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This stunner of a recipe is a great make-ahead showstopper, a real celebration of summer that would be ideal for Platinum Jubilee parties. 

With just five ingredients, it’s also really simple, but with a brilliant surprise in store!

Serves 8-10


1.5 kg mixed summer berries (we used raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and redcurrants)

200 g caster sugar

150 g white chocolate

300 ml double cream

1 loaf Vogel’s bread, crusts removed


  1. Reserve a few berries for decoration and put the rest in a large saucepan with the sugar and 3 tbsp water. Cover and bring to a simmer over a medium heat. Give the pan a gentle stir, then simmer uncovered for 2 minutes. Pour into a sieve set over a bowl to catch the juice and leave to cool.
  2. Melt the white chocolate in the microwave or a bain marie.
  3. Whip the cream until it thickens, but stop before it fully holds its shape. Fold a big spoonful of the whipped cream into the melted chocolate, then scrape the chocolate mixture into the cream bowl and whisk it in. Stop whisking when the cream holds its shape.
  4. Dip the bread slices in the berry juice and use them to line an oiled bundt tin, ensuring there are no gaps. Top with a third of the berries. Pipe or spoon a layer of white chocolate mousse into the tin, then top with the rest of the berries. Dip the rest of the bread in the berry juice and use to enclose the filling completely. Chill any remaining berry juice for later.
  5. Cover the pudding with clingfilm, then weigh it down with a plate and a few cans or books. Refrigerate overnight.
  6. Turn out the pudding onto a serving plate and brush with a little extra berry juice. Decorate with the reserved berries and serve the rest of the berry juice in a jug on the side.

Is there anything better than a warm toasted sandwich for lunch?

The secret to a great homemade reuben toasted sandwich is to butter the outside of the bread and mix your own dressing.

Makes 2


4 slices Vogel’s bread

2 tbsp butter, softened

150 g Emmental, sliced

100 g salt beef or pastrami, sliced

4 tbsp sauerkraut, well drained

2 dill pickles

crudites, to serve

for the dressing:

4 tbsp mayonnaise

1 tbsp ketchup

1 shallot, finely grated

2 tsp American mustard

1 tsp horseradish sauce

¼ tsp smoked paprika

a few drops Worcester sauce



  1. Spread one side of each slice of bread with butter (this will be the outside of the sandwich).
  2. Mix all of the dressing ingredients together, then spread some on the other side of the bread. Top all four pieces of bread with cheese.
  3. Top two of the slices with salt beef and sauerkraut, then arrange the other two slices on top and press down firmly.
  4. Set a large frying pan over a medium heat and toast the sandwiches for 2-3 minutes while pressing down with a spatula. When they’re golden and crisp on the underside, flip them over and cook the other side until golden and crisp. They’re ready when the cheese has melted completely.
  5. Cut the sandwiches in half and serve with dill pickles, crudites and the rest of thedressing.

Apple brown betty is a popular pudding in the US, which can also be eaten for breakfast! Like crumble, with a lemony zing, it’s lighter and less stodgy.

Serves 6


100 g butter, melted 

3 large or 4 small Bramley apples

1 lemon, juiced and zest finely grated

150 g light muscovado sugar

1 tsp ground cinnamon

½ tsp freshly grated nutmeg

200 g Vogel’s bread

vanilla ice cream, to serve



  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (180° fan) | 400F | gas 6 and butter a baking dish with a little of the melted butter.
  2. Peel, core and thinly slice the apples, then toss them with the lemon juice, zest and sugar. Leave to macerate while you make the crumbs.
  3. Tear the bread into pieces and whiz to crumbs in a food processor. Toss the breadcrumbs with the butter, cinnamon and nutmeg.
  4. Use a slotted spoon to layer half the apples in the baking dish, leaving the syrupy juices in the bowl. Top with half of the crumbs, then repeat with the remaining apples and crumbs. Drizzle the syrup from the apple bowl evenly over the top of the crumbs.
  5. Cover the baking dish with foil and bake for 40 minutes, then remove the foil and bake for a further 20 minutes or until the topping is golden brown and the apples are tender all the way to the middle. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.

We all know that hummus is a tasty, healthy choice – but did you know that cannellini beans make a super smooth and light hummus variation, and they’re lower in carbs and calories than chickpeas, as well as a little bit higher in fibre?

In this recipe we’ve added tomatoes – slow-roasting them intensifies their sweetness and sourness and allows our bodies to absorb more of their lycopene, an antioxidant thought to improve heart health.

The cooked tomatoes aren’t the only thing in this recipe that could reduce your risk of heart disease; raw garlic, beans, olive oil and sesame are thought to, too.

Serves 4-6


12 medium tomatoes, halved

2 cloves garlic, crushed

2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves

4 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp za’atar

toasted Vogel’s, to serve


For the white bean hummus:

2 x 400 g tins cannellini beans, drained, but liquid reserved

2 cloves garlic; crushed

3 tbsp tahini paste

3 tbsp olive oil

1 ½ lemons, juiced and zest finely grated



  1. Preheat the oven to 140°C (120° fan) | 275F | gas 1.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half and arrange cut-side-up in a baking dish. Stir the garlic and thyme into the oil and spoon it over the tomatoes, then season with salt and pepper.
  3. Roast the tomatoes for 2 hours or until sweetly caramelised at the edges.
  4. To make the hummus, put the lemon juice, zest, garlic, tahini and olive oil in a small bowl with 2 tbsp of the bean canning liquid and a big pinch of salt. Stir until smoothly combined.
  5. Put the drained beans in a food processor with the tahini mixture, then blend for 10 seconds. Scrape down the sides and add a little more liquid if needed. Blend for 2 minutes or until really creamy.
  6. Spoon the hummus onto a serving plate and swirl with the back of the spoon. Spoon over some of the tomatoes and the infused oil they’ve cooked in, then sprinkle with za’atar.
  7. Serve with warm toast for scooping.

Surf n’ turf, anyone? This summery crab sarnie adds crispy bacon for a new level of flavour and texture. So recreate the flavour of seaside holidays and make sure you get brown as well as white meat – it is higher in Omega-3 than white and adds a lovely rich flavour to the mix.

Serves 2


4 rashers smoked streaky bacon

4 slices Vogel’s bread

2 tbsp butter

100 g crab meat (ideally a mix of white and brown)

2 tbsp mayonnaise

a squeeze of lemon

4 lettuce leaves


  1. Fry or grill the bacon until crisp.
  2. Spread the bread with butter.
  3. Mix the crab with the mayonnaise and lemon juice and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  4. Top two of the slices of bread with lettuce, then spoon over the crab. Lay the bacon on top before closing the sandwiches with the other two slices of bread.

Bread and butter pudding is surprisingly versatile – and we’ve given it a Middle Eastern makeover thanks to custard sweetened with honey and scented with cardamom, dried apricots for pops of sweetness and pistachios for crunch.

Not only that, but we’ve replaced the butter in our bread and butter pudding with pistachio butter for an extra layer of flavour.

Serves 6-8


2 whole eggs, plus 4 extra egg yolks

300 ml whole milk

300 ml double cream

90 g honey

¼ tsp ground cardamom

10 slices Vogel’s bread, crusts removed

100 g pistachio butter

100 g dried apricots, chopped

2 tbsp apricot jam, melted

25 g pistachio nuts, chopped

pouring cream, to serve


  1. Preheat the oven to 150°C (130° fan) / 300F / gas 2.
  2. Whisk the eggs and extra egg yolks with the milk, cream, honey and ground cardamom until smooth.
  3. Spread the bread with pistachio butter and layer up in a buttered baking dish with the chopped apricots. Pour over half the custard mixture and leave to soak in for 5 minutes before pouring over the rest.
  4. Put the baking dish in a deep roasting tin and pour enough boiling water into the tin to come 5 cm / 2 inches up the side of the dish.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes or until only just set in the centre (internal temperature 71C / 160F).
  6. Brush the pudding with warm apricot jam and sprinkle with pistachio nuts. Serve warm with lashings of cream.
Flowers add undeniable beauty to our gardens and our homes, but there’s something about adding them to food that excites the senses and gets our taste buds going! Sprinkled on salads, infused in a tea or artfully placed on cakes they add flavour, colour and texture.
There is a long history of flowers being used in cooking and for medicinal purposes too – just like any edible plant, they are rich in vitamins and minerals. There has been a recent resurgence in using edible flowers with Michelin star chefs using them to add flavour and beauty. And the move towards seasonal eating has of course brought flowers back onto our plates.
Whether you want to go foraging or grow your own edible flowers in pots or the garden, we have some tips to make you feel inspired to get started.
Some of our favourites

Viola Tricolor

Of all the edible flowers, the humble viola is possibly the most pretty. They have a slightly peppery taste and are often seen scattered over salads or desserts. In the last few years, there have been many Instagram posts featuring stunning cakes adorned with dried violas too. You can even place them into ice cube trays to add some interest to your summer drinks!
Violas can be sown from early Spring onwards, and seem to pop up everywhere in the garden for years to come.


Known to boost our immunity and help fight illnesses, echinacea is one of the best flowers to grow in your garden. Our founder Alfred Vogel was introduced to this wonderful flower by the Sioux Native Americans which made him realise the power of nature to enhance our health. It has a strong, almost bitter flavour that works brilliantly in a tea by steeping the leaves. In herbal medicine, the whole plant can be used.
Echinacea is a strong plant that will come back year after year and the seeds can be sown in March and April.


A rose bush is always a great addition to any garden! In Turkish cuisine, rose water and rose petals are added to many dishes. Rosa Rugosa and Rosa Canina are easily cultivated in the garden but look for any with a strong scent to make an impact. Rose petals can be crystallised or infused into honey, jam, vinegar, gin…the list goes on!


Easily grown in the UK, chamomile is a delicious flower that can be infused with boiled water to make a deliciously delicate tea that is known for its calming properties. Sow seeds in a pot by the front door and you’ll be greeted with the beautiful aroma every time you walk past.
Seeds can be sown anytime from March.


These bright and beautiful plants have a spicy, peppery flavour that works brilliantly as a garnish or in salads. The bold orange colour is striking too.
You can sow the seeds in pots, window boxes or directly in the ground anytime between March and May. Once the plant has finished flowering, you can collect the seeds to dry out and plant next year!


An extremely hardy plant that doesn’t require much looking after (it thrives on drought), Lavender is a wonderful plant to get started with. It’s best used sparingly but adds an interesting flavour to both sweet and savoury dishes from ice cream to meat in a Herb de Provence.
Sow seeds under cover from March to flower all summer long.

Wild Garlic

This one isn’t usually grown in gardens unless there is plenty of tree cover, as wild garlic likes shelter. It’s a real treat to find a patch of a forest blanketed in wild garlic. You can identify it by its small white flowers, leaf shape and of course the amazing smell that’s impossible to miss. You can gently sautee the leaves and serve with any meal, or mix with other herbs to make a delicious pesto.
Wild garlic season starts in early Spring.


If you’re lucky enough to have an Elder tree in your garden, or if you can find one that hasn’t been exposed to road pollution, then you can take advantage of the flowers that bloom in late Spring and early Summer. Not only do they smell amazing, but they’re also thought to help fight hay fever and cool the body in hot weather.
You can make your own elderflower cordial to enjoy in cocktails or as a refreshing summer drink, or infuse the tiny flowers into sugar for sprinkling over fresh cream and strawberries.


Calendula or Pot Marigold has been used in cooking for centuries and is thought to have many medicinal properties. It’s often used as an ingredient in skincare too.
The bright yellow flowers grow happily almost anywhere and have a delicate peppery flavour. You can add the petals to salads, butter, cream cheese or scatter over any meal as a garnish to add colour and texture.
Calendula can be sown from early Spring onwards.

Foraging Tips

  • Before picking flowers to eat, make sure you have correctly identified them. Use a book or an app like PictureThis to make sure you’ve got the right flower.
  • Pick flowers in the morning and on dry days when the flavour will be more intense.
  • Flowers can be kept in the fridge for a few days
  • Pick from an area where you can be sure there hasn’t been any pesticides used or hasn’t been soiled by dogs and cats.
Growing, picking and eating flowers is a wonderful way to deepen our connection to the natural world and enjoy nature every day!
Alfred Vogel had a lifelong fascination for nature and all the ways it can enhance our health and wellbeing.  A diet filled with wholesome foods is one of our guiding principles.

Spice up your lunch by making yourself some at home tapas. Simple and delicious with only a few ingredients.

Serves 1


2 slices Vogel’s bread

½ garlic clove

1 ripe tomato, halved

1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling

100 g padron peppers

20 g Iberico ham

3 slices Manchego

a few olives


  1. Toast the bread, then rub it all over with the cut side of the garlic clove. Squash the tomato on top and rub all over the surface. Drizzle with a little olive oil and season with sea salt, then cut into fingers.
  2. Heat the oil in a small frying pan and fry the padron peppers until golden and blistered all over. Season generously with sea salt.
  3. Serve the tomato toast and padrons with the ham, Manchego and olives.

Looking for some fresh and lighter lunch inspiration to kick off the year with? How about trying our muhammara with melba toast and fattoush recipe?

Serves 4-6


3 red peppers

6 slices Vogel’s bread

50 g walnuts, chopped, plus extra to serve

2 tbsp pomegranate molasses

1 large garlic clove, crushed

2 tsp cumin seeds, toasted and ground

1 tbsp sundried tomatoes

1 tbsp Aleppo chilli flakes

a squeeze of lemon

3 tbsp olive oil, plus extra to serve


For the Fattoush:

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 tsp sumac

1 lemon, juiced

3 tbsp olive oil

1 cucumber, halved, seeded and sliced

12 radishes, quartered

250 g cherry tomatoes, quartered

3 spring onions, sliced

3 tbsp pomegranate seeds

a handful flat-leaf parsley, roughly chopped

a few sprigs mint, leaves roughly chopped


  1. Preheat the oven to 240°C (220° fan) | 475F | gas 9 and line a roasting tin with foil.
  2. Roast the peppers for 30 minutes, turning occasionally, until the skins are blackened and blistered all over. Transfer the peppers to a bowl, cover with clingfilm and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Preheat the grill. Toast the bread, then cut off and reserve the crusts. Cut the bread into triangles, then separate each triangle into two layers with a sharp bread knife. Grill the untoasted side of the triangles until golden brown and starting to curl at the edges. Leave to cool.
  4. Peel the peppers, then tear in half and discard the stalks, seeds and white membrane.
  5. Put the flesh of the peppers in a food processor with the walnuts, pomegranate molasses, garlic, cumin, sundried tomatoes, Aleppo flakes, lemon juice, olive oil and 50 g of the bread crusts. Process until finely ground, pausing to scrape down the sides if necessary. Season to taste with salt.
  6. Transfer the muhammara to a serving plate or bowl, sprinkle with a few more chopped walnuts and drizzle with oil.
  7. To make the Fattoush, whisk the garlic, sumac, lemon juice and olive oil with a big pinch of salt in a salad bowl. Add the rest of the salad ingredients and toss well.
  8. Break a few of the melba toasts into shards and add to the salad and serve the rest on the side for scooping up the muhammara.

What’s better on a cold winter’s day than a warming soup made with hearty roasted veg, creamy topping and tasty garlic croutons? Make this recipe for your next lunch time pick me up, you wont be dissapointed.

Serves 6


1 small butternut squash, cut into wedges, seeds removed

4 banana shallots, halved lengthways

1 garlic bulb, separated into unpeeled cloves

a few sprigs thyme

4 tbsp olive oil

1 litre vegetable stock


For the croutons:

2 tbsp olive oil

1 garlic clove, squashed

4 slices bread, cubed with crusts removed


Vegetarian topping – harissa and feta:

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp rose harissa

100 g feta cheese

1 handful coriander leaves, chopped


Vegan topping – tahini sauce, fresh chilli + coriander:

1 garlic clove, crushed

½ lemon, juiced

4 tbsp tahini paste

2-3 tbsp cold water

1 long red chilli, thinly sliced

1 handful coriander leaves, chopped



  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C (180° fan) | 400F | gas 6.
  2. Put the butternut, shallots, garlic and thyme in a large roasting tin. Drizzle with olive oil and toss until well coated, then season with salt and pepper.
  3. Roast the vegetables for 45 minutes, or until tender and caramelised at the edges, turning occasionally.
  4. Bring the vegetable stock to the boil in a large saucepan. When the vegetables are ready, remove the skin from the butternut and shallots, roughly chop the flesh and add it to the pan. Squeeze the roasted garlic cloves from their skins into the pan.
  5. Simmer for 5 minutes, then blend until smooth in a liquidiser or with an immersion blender. Season to taste with salt and pepper before ladling into bowls.
  6. To make the croutons, heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the garlic for a couple of minutes to flavour the oil. Remove from the pan, then add the bread cubes. Fry until golden brown and crisp on each side.
  7. To make the vegetarian topping, stir the oil into the harissa and drizzle on top of the soup. Crumble over the feta and sprinkle with chopped coriander and croutons.
  8. To make the vegan topping, whisk the garlic, lemon juice and tahini together, adding just enough cold water to make a pouring consistency. Drizzle the sauce on top of the soup and garnish with chilli, coriander and croutons.